Can microteaching inform reflective practice?


  • Charles Frederick Collins Taylor University of Southampton
  • Scott Border Centre for Learning Anatomical Sciences, University of Southampton



Micro-teaching, Reflective practice, Pedagogy, Klob's Cycle, Medical education, Undergraduate,


Microteaching was first introduced by Dwight W. Allen in the sixties and since then it has become a pivotal aspect of teacher training, particularly within medical education. As a form of teacher training, it enables teachers to reflect upon effective practice by implementing a deliberate cyclical reflection process. The importance of such reflective practice within medical education is well established. However, rarely is it regularly or successfully undertaken and the traditional ‘see one, do one teach one’ approach to teaching and training is widely disputed and in need of revival so that it may better reflect the shifting cultural, social and political restrictions and expectations placed on medical professionals. A plan, do, reflect, re-plan, re-do and re-reflect schema as adapted from the practice of microteaching provides a clear framework on how best to reflect on one’s own practice and therefore acts as a positive initial step towards improving self-reflection within medical education.

Author Biography

Charles Frederick Collins Taylor, University of Southampton

Charles Taylor is a third year medical student at Southampton University and next year he is undertaking an MSc in Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical Skills at Queen Mary’s University London. As part of his studies he has led several research studies within the fields of medical education, neuroscience, urology and quality improvement. He is a member of Soton Brain Hub and the associated research group which focuses on peer teaching applications, technology enhanced learning and innovative interventions in the teaching of anatomical sciences.






Life – Reflections